Wednesday 4 April 2012

Halifax, Nova Scotia

I know I may be a little biased in saying this, but how could I write this semester and not mention one of the best places in Canada? Couldn't. So here it is folks, Halifax, Nova Scotia. One of Canada's most idyllic cities due to its unique history, culture, and many, many, many bars. In fact, if thats your thing... Halifax is known as the city with the second most bars per capita, and thats only followed by St. George st. in St. Johns Newfoundland.

There's more to Halifax than the pub scene however. When I first moved here I was so excited about the live music and the beautiful waterfront. Coming from Nova Scotia's neighbour, New Brunswick, I was already accustomed to the beautiful people and maritime spirit but the unique culture of Halifax was all new to me.

You cant go downtown anywhere without getting a friendly greeting, a cheers or hearing some form of celtic tune. Its one of the beautiful things about a city that isn't quite a city but much more than a small town. It makes for the perfect destination vacation or a place to settle down. For me, its merely a transitional residency but I wouldn't rather be anywhere else. Halifax is a beautiful place to be with a beautiful culture, beautiful people and is a beautiful place to see. 

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Disney World, Florida

Thinking about my journey to Niagra Falls as a kid really got me thinking about some of my other travels as a young one. I have been very fortunate in my life to have seen some great places, and one of the best parts about travelling is the feeling that it evokes. Well what better feeling out there is there for a twelve year old with her long lost best friend and a pair of their sisters running around copious amounts of people and Disney stars? Not much I tell you. 

I cant quite help but imagine what a nightmare that must be for parents some times, but the joy that overcomes a kid? Priceless. I was 12 at the time of my first and only trip to Disney World. My best friend had moved to Florida the year before and I hadn't seen her since. My parents had collaborated with her parents and the four greatest people on earth (our parents) contrived a plan for all of us kids (who just so happened to all be best friends) to take a trip to Florida's most popular amusement parks. 

Now, knowing me at all you would know that I am an adrenaline junkie. This kicked in at a very early age when I was first introduced to the swings at the play park. Now I'm not saying the twister or the fall of doom quite compares to the rush of flying backwards on a swing set, but at that age you really count yourself as a dare devil. My sister and I were MORE than excited to take our first trip south and visit our best friends. 

That was one of the best parts about Florida. I know I have been advocating mostly for the incredible vivacious sights and terrific cultural experiences as of late, but the sometimes the most valuable part of travelling is when you are travelling to see people you love. It adds so much more to the trip and really gives you lasting memories. As if it were yesterday , yes here I go again, I can remember the feel of the sand between my toes, the adrenaline rush and meeting Dopey (my favourite Disney character) at the theme park. What I remember most though is the late night giggles and laughs with my best friend. We reminisced (as much as 12-year-olds could) and talked about what we wanted out of life. 

I think back on this trip the most. I cannot describe the emotion I have attached to it, but at least I know why I feel such a connection, its really all about the people and the relationships. 

Monday 2 April 2012

Niagra Falls, Ontario

I couldn't resist. Thinking about all of the beautiful places in Canada got me all excited. It has been quite some time since I have been to Niagra Falls. Being a child at the time, everything from finding a hidden purple crayon to spotting a free bag of candy was magical, but something was definitely different with the natural beauty of cascading falls. I am fortunate enough to spend a lot of time in the beautiful province of Ontario but I was only lucky enough to visit the falls once. The memory however, is something I visit quite often.

I was just a little girl, and barely able to see the falls from below the cold, steal bar. My mother nearly had a heart attack when I merely tried to step up on the lower rail to get a better view. What were they thinking bringing a child of my age and curiosity to one of the magical wonders of the Canadian countryside? The falls flowed faster than I had ever seen anything fall before. It looked like that scene from Lion King when all the caribou were stampeding over the pride lands. Only slightly less terrifying because I wasn't on the bottom end of it. Not for a while at least. 

My uncle decided it would be fun to go on the boats and go through the falls. Boy was he ever right. Putting on that poncho and gearing up to go between the falls is a memory that will stick with me forever. I still remember the look on my sisters face: a mix of terror and excitement as we pursued our adventure closer and closer to the falls. 

Nothing can really beat that magical feeling of being a child in a wondrous place. I don't know if the novelty of it would wear off at all, but I still think revisiting the falls would put me right back into that 7 year old's body and feel the magic all over again. 

Saturday 24 March 2012

En Route to Tofino, British Columbia

Of all the places I have travelled over the years none have ever compared to the timeless town of Tofino. I spent a summer in British Columbia being a nanny and housekeeper for some of my relatives. Nearing the end of August my aunt and uncle lent me their silver hatchback and I took off on the island highway in search of an adventure. 

It was certainly that, something you should know about me is that given a map, compass and all the necessary direction-orientation tools I would still get lost in my home town. We will just say that navigation is not my forte (putting it lightly). As I gathered up the google map directions and landmarks from those who have travelled to Tofino and back in the past I set out on my way. Never have I ever seen a more beautiful landscape or drive getting lost in my life. Now I don't know how many of you know how much about Vancouver Island, but I may have misjudged the distance once or twice and missed a couple signs or so. I ended up travelling a bit passed my turn off but made for even more of the island I wouldn't have seen otherwise so I am not one to complain. 

I decided to spend the night at my aunt's parent's place in Port Alberni: my favourite place on earth to date. I don't know if its the harbour on the pacific ocean that made me fall in love or the majestic mountains that made my heart stop but if I ever have to settle down that is the only place I can imagine being truly happy. Port Alberni is a small community close to Arrowsmith Mountain and is known for its heart warming farmers market and beautiful surroundings. Imagine waking up every morning to the mountains overlooking the ocean and walking to pick fresh fruit from the market on a crisp, sunny, Saturday morning. 

Early morning after my photo shoot down by the dock, I took off for the rest of my journey to Tofino. Driving by the big lakes, the market where goats live on a grass covered roof and through the ancient, characteristic trees of Carmana I made my way to my destination.

When I arrived to the small surfing town I was amazed with the culture. I had never seen anything like it in Canada and was overcome with a sense of calm. I had the whole day to myself to just roam around and take it all in. I drove to every beach and watched the surfers in their natural habitat. I walked in the sand by the abandoned log shelters and spent the whole time playing with settings on my camera to take the perfect shots. 

I was lucky enough to board a boat to go whale watching - another aspect of the town that brings in a lot of tourism. I was so amazed to see so much gorgeous sea wild life. From seals and walruses to whales and bald eagles. I will never forget the time I spent looking at the amazing creatures in the pacific ocean. 

Although my trip was only a day one, I remember every lasting moment. If I ever get the chance I won't hesitate a moment to go back. It is absolutely one of the most hidden beauties on earth and certainly a Canadian treasure. 

surfing on long beach

whale watching on the ocean

 goats on the roof

en route to Tofino

Friday 9 March 2012

Paris, France

If France is one thing above anything else it is cultured. I have never felt so much a part of something that was so foreign at the same time. I don't know if it's because I have seen so much French culture through the media or because I was familiar with the language but for some reason it all seemed so familiar. I would recommend Paris as a top destination location because of the amazingly beautiful sights and the rich, historic culture.

Walking down the L'Avenue des Champs Elysées is one of my most vivid memories of France. It could be because of the notoriously famous shopping locations or because of the eclectic gypsies prancing down the street but I will always remember my afternoon on the sunlit avenue. Picture a wide open (cleanly kept) street with sky high buildings filled with famous artwork and talented individuals. To be in Paris, France is like being a part of something huge. You feel a part of what makes the city so exciting. There are three must see places to see within this must see city. 

The first of these incredible locations would be the Louvre. If not for the beautiful and historic Mona Lisa than for all the artwork you studied in tenth grade and really never understood. Its mesmerizing to actually see first hand all of these spectacular pieces of work that have been known and studied for ages. 

Next stop would have to be the Palace of Versailles. More tenth grade course work, the ever known King Louis the VIII. You can get a tour of the luxurious gardens, immaculate hall of mirrors and the actual bedrooms where Mary Antoinette resided. Its unbelievable knowing that you can actually walk in the same footsteps as these amazing people who shaped the history we now study as humanity. 

Lastly, and most significantly known, the Eiffel Tower. I suggest seeing this 360 degree view of Paris at night time. The lights of the vivacious city will be forever engraved into my most pleasant memories. Seeing the illuminated city puts many things into perspective. You feel an overcoming sense of place, at least that was my experience. Imagine looking out over one of the most visited destinations with one of the most historic stories from one of the most widely recognized landmarks. Imagine being a part of such a culture for even a day. 

There are so many beautiful places to see in Paris. It would be impossible to paint a picture of the cornucopia of beautiful sights, but it would be my hope that everyone gets to take part in this incredible place at some point in their life.   

Why travel?

If you are sitting there wondering to yourself "Self, why visit all these places?" Well, let me tell you! It may just be the best decision you will ever make to visit any ONE of these incredible destinations. Imagine yourself living in one room of your house. One room, could be a bedroom, living room, dining room or kitchen but never leaving it. Think of how many things you would never see, never learn, or never experience. Life never travelling would be like living in one room for your whole life.

Being confined to a city, province, coast or country limits the amount of knowledge someone can posses and life they can experience. Imagine all of the amazing and beautiful places and people you could meet by just venturing a little out of your comfort zone! This dream is a reality by just exploring one new place every so often in your life. It brings colour and joy to a life that may be just as plain as living in a one room house you can't leave.

Its difficult to imagine things you have never seen but with this blog I hope that you can imagine your life with just a little more. A little more colour, a little more knowledge, a little more experience, a little more life.

Monday 27 February 2012

New York, New York

Nothing can be more exhilarating than walking passed billboards upon billboards and luminescent neon lights amongst crowds of thousands of people, knowing that you are just one of millions that make up such a remarkable city. New York City, New York is known around the world for its adrenalin rush and vibrant life. That is what makes New York City one of my favourite places to travel.

Ever since I was a young kid I have had a fascination with the city. Maybe it is because I grew up in a small town and had never seen a building more than 7 storeys high but regardless, New York never ceases to amaze me. There is so much to do, so much to see, and so much to be a part of in the city that never sleeps. One of my favourite things to do aside from seeing a hit broadway musical would be to walk along the old cobblestone roads or busy taxi-ridden streets snapping shots of the busy life. 

What continues to amaze me is the lifestyle and intricacies of life in the big apple. There are hundreds of different characters that come together to create such a versatile experience. From the buskers in Times Square to the superstars on stage, New York is a spot to see. You will be taken away with the lights, the talent, and all the characters that make up such a dynamic destination. 

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Rome, Italy

When I think of Rome so many things come to mind: the spectacular restaurants, the gorgeous people, the beautiful sights and the amazing memories. None of these are more significant than the magnificent architecture and famous monuments that complete such an inspiring history.

I was only in Rome for a short five days, but I was constantly enraptured with the glorious sights. The Colosseum standing at 48 metres high could fit over 50, 000 people for entertainment back in 70 AD. If the stunning structure wasn't enough to captivate me the history certainly did. As I stood in the age old stadium I was overcome with a profound sense of bewilderment. It became so surreal and unbelievable that I just stood there amongst hundreds of tourists and stared. I stared at the people, at the crevasses, at the city and at what would soon become a permanent image in my mind and memories. 

Friday 20 January 2012


Charming cobble stone roads, bright blue skies, sparkling seas and the most friendly and welcoming souls. I was fortunate enough to experience this beautiful country, Greece, in March of 2010. A beautiful and knowledgable woman took us on a tour of the Acropolis and the temple of Athena and told us that once you get to the top of the city you are fated to return, and someday I absolutely will.

It is an understatement to say that Greece is a beautiful place. There is so much culture and character to every inch of the country. One time when we were winding through the mountains near Macedonia we were halted in order for a heard of sheep to cross the road. As any tourist would do, I began snapping copious amounts of photos and couldn't fathom the sight in comparison to Canada. The only thing we have herded across our roads are pedestrians in confined cities.

This was one of my most favourite places because of how genuine and approachable the people are. Walking in the Placa district seeing all the market shops and stores with the unique and personable trinkets is a memory I will never forget. Imagine being embraced by a little old greek woman and given gifts just for the mere fact of being Canadian. Its a true testament to the friendliness of nations and how even in a world so far from your own you can feel so at home.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Sights to see, and why

We are limited so often to the places we can only see through our windows at home, windows of the car, or windows of random opportunity. There is so much beauty and culture to our world, and exploring it has always been a passion of mine. 

Recently I purchased a poster for my wall in residence, "101 Places to See Before You Die", to remind me of all the places I can't see through my window, and inspire me to cease the opportunities in life that will enable me to broaden my horizons. So far, I have been luck enough to check of 10 of the listed amazing sights to see. Over the next few weeks I will share some of these amazing sights I have seen, and have yet to see. And help you peer into some of the windows I have been able to witness.