Monday 2 April 2012

Niagra Falls, Ontario

I couldn't resist. Thinking about all of the beautiful places in Canada got me all excited. It has been quite some time since I have been to Niagra Falls. Being a child at the time, everything from finding a hidden purple crayon to spotting a free bag of candy was magical, but something was definitely different with the natural beauty of cascading falls. I am fortunate enough to spend a lot of time in the beautiful province of Ontario but I was only lucky enough to visit the falls once. The memory however, is something I visit quite often.

I was just a little girl, and barely able to see the falls from below the cold, steal bar. My mother nearly had a heart attack when I merely tried to step up on the lower rail to get a better view. What were they thinking bringing a child of my age and curiosity to one of the magical wonders of the Canadian countryside? The falls flowed faster than I had ever seen anything fall before. It looked like that scene from Lion King when all the caribou were stampeding over the pride lands. Only slightly less terrifying because I wasn't on the bottom end of it. Not for a while at least. 

My uncle decided it would be fun to go on the boats and go through the falls. Boy was he ever right. Putting on that poncho and gearing up to go between the falls is a memory that will stick with me forever. I still remember the look on my sisters face: a mix of terror and excitement as we pursued our adventure closer and closer to the falls. 

Nothing can really beat that magical feeling of being a child in a wondrous place. I don't know if the novelty of it would wear off at all, but I still think revisiting the falls would put me right back into that 7 year old's body and feel the magic all over again. 

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