Tuesday 7 February 2012

Rome, Italy

When I think of Rome so many things come to mind: the spectacular restaurants, the gorgeous people, the beautiful sights and the amazing memories. None of these are more significant than the magnificent architecture and famous monuments that complete such an inspiring history.

I was only in Rome for a short five days, but I was constantly enraptured with the glorious sights. The Colosseum standing at 48 metres high could fit over 50, 000 people for entertainment back in 70 AD. If the stunning structure wasn't enough to captivate me the history certainly did. As I stood in the age old stadium I was overcome with a profound sense of bewilderment. It became so surreal and unbelievable that I just stood there amongst hundreds of tourists and stared. I stared at the people, at the crevasses, at the city and at what would soon become a permanent image in my mind and memories. 

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